Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Natural Birth Control: Use Hot Water and Papaya Seeds

Saturday, July 03, 2010 by: Kim Evans, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) In today's society, much of the burden of birth control involves chemicals, drugs and often falls upon the women. However, it turns out the key to birth control might be better placed on men. And the good news is, you don't have to look any further than hot water and papaya seeds.

It turns out that sperm don't like heat and by bathing, or simply submerging the testes, in 116 degrees water (just below the pain threshold) for forty five minutes each day for 21 days, a male becomes sterile for the next six months. Doing this at 110 degrees reliably produces sterility for the next four months and either way, it can be repeated for continued effectiveness when the allotted time is up. This method dates back to the writings of Hippocrates and derives its effectiveness from the fact that sperm needs to be several degrees cooler than body temperature to be viable; this is why they hang outside the body. Actually, sperm cell death happens at 95 degrees F, while normal cell death happens at 108 degrees F - so this method effectively kills the sperm for a limited but extended period of time.

In addition, papaya seeds have been found to completely remove the sperm from a male monkey's ejaculation. Rats have also been tested with a compound from papaya seeds and found to have "significantly reduced" sperm counts. At higher levels of ingestion, the rats became completely infertile. The rats' researchers then declared the long term, daily use of compounds from papaya seeds to be a safe and effective male contraceptive.

Rabbits have also been studied with extracts from papaya seeds. After three months of daily use, the rabbits were found almost completely infertile. The extract showed no effect on their libido or organs - and the contraceptive effects were completely reversible after 45 days of non-use.

Traditional cultures in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia have long eaten papaya seeds as an effective and safe contraceptive. It appears a teaspoon of the seeds per day is what traditional cultures use - and it takes three months of use to be fully effective. Papaya seeds have been studied more frequently on males than females as a form of contraception, but traditional cultures have used papaya seeds for both male and female contraception.

For a simple papaya seed drink:
Blend 1/2 papaya, 2 or 3 bananas and 20-40 papaya seeds. Add a little stevia for sweetness, if desired. Other fruit can be substituted, as desired.

Some Hawaiian papaya these days is genetically modified, so purchase papaya that wasn't grown in Hawaii or simply buy organic. Papaya seeds are also antibacterial, help with parasitic problems, and are rich in enzymes.


Therapie met hoge dosering vitamine C bewezen effectief

Vertaling: Annemiek Bessaoudi

"Mijn dokter gelooft niet in vitamines". Sinds wanneer is de medische wetenschap gebaseerd op geloof?

De medische literatuur heeft bijna 75 jaar van arts rapporten, laboratorium en klinische studies over succesvolle behandeling met hoge dosering vitamine C genegeerd.

Effectieve dosering is een hoge dosering vaak 100 keer meer dan de in de VS "geadviseerde toegestane voedingshoeveelheid" (Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)) of "dagelijkse inname referentie" (Daily Reference Intake (DRI)). Het is een hoeksteen van de medische wetenschap dat de dosering het resultaat van de behandeling beïnvloed. Deze stelling is geaccepteerd bij de behandeling met farmaceutische medicijnen, maar niet bij de behandeling met vitaminen. In de meeste onderzoeken met vitamine C, die niet succesvol waren, werden inadequate, te lage doseringen gebruikt. Een lage dosering levert geen klinische resultaten op.

Onderzoekers die een hoge dosering vitamine C gebuikten hebben consequent uitstekende resultaten gerapporteerd. Een hoge dosering werd geadviseerd bijna direct nadat ascorbinezuur geïsoleerd werd door Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, M.D. (1893 - 1986) Beduidend eerdere medische pioniers van de behandeling met een hoge dosering vitamine C (ascorbaat) zijn Claus Washington Jungeblut, M.D. (1898 - 1976); William J. McCormick, M.D. (1880 - 1968); en Frederick R. Klenner, M.D. (1907 - 1984). Meer Recent hebben Hugh D. Riordan, M.D. (1932-2005) en Robert F. Cathcart III, M.D. (1932 - 2007) belangrijk werk gepubliceerd.

Vandaag, 75 jaar geleden

In 1935 werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd over vitamine C als preventie en behandeling tegen polio door Dr. Jungeblut, Professor in Bacteriologie bij de Columbia universiteit. (1) Ook in 1935 heeft Jungeblut aangetoond dat vitamine C het difterietoxine kan inactiveren. (2) In 1937 Jungeblut liet zien dat ascorbaat het tetanustoxine inactiveerde. (3) Tussen 1943 en 1947 genas Dr. Klenner, een specialist in borstkasziektes, 41 gevallen van virale longontsteking met vitamine C. In 1946 toonde Dr. McCormick aan hoe vitamine C nierstenen voorkomt en ook geneest; In 1957, hoe het cardiovasculaire ziektes (ziektes mbt hart en bloedvaten) tegengaat. Vanaf 1960 gebruikte Dr. Carthcart hoge doseringen vitamine C om longontsteking, hepatitis en uiteindelijk AIDS te behandelen. Vanaf 1975, nu drie decennia, hebben Dr. Riordan en zijn team met succes hoge doseringen van vitamine C intraveneus toegediend (via de aders) tegen kanker. Het gebruik van doseringen van tien duizenden milligram vitamine C per dag zou het minst erkende, maar succesvolle onderzoek in de medische wereld kunnen zijn.

Heb je deze al een gehoord? "Als vitamine C zo goed zou zijn, dan zouden doktoren hun patiënten wel opdragen er veel van te nemen." Het is verrassend hoeveel artsen precies dat hebben gedaan.

Wat zeg je? Je doktor doet dit nog steeds niet?

Waarom? Tientallen jaren van artsen rapporten en gecontroleerde studies ondersteunen het gebruik van hele hoge doseringen vitamine C.

(1) Jungeblut CW. Inactivation of poliomyelitis virus by crystalline vitamin C (ascorbic acid). J Exper Med 1935.62:317-321
(2) Jungeblut CW, Zwemer RL. Inactivation of diphtheria toxin in vivo and in vitro by crystalline vitamine C (ascorbic acid). Proc Soc Exer Biol Med 1935; 32:1229-34.
(3) Jungeblut CW. Inactivation of tetanus toxin by crystalline vitamine C (l-ascorbic acid). J Immunol 1937;33:203-214

Voor meer informatie over:
Dr. CW Jungeblut: Claus Washington Jungeblut, M.D.: pionier in polio; voorstander van ascorbaat gebruik. J. Orthomolecular Med, 2006 Vol 21, p 102-106.

In aanvulling op bovenstaande referentie (1), Dr. Jungeblut's andere artikelen over polio:

- Jungeblut CW. Vitamin C therapy and prophylaxis in experimental poliomyelitis. J Exp Med, 1937. 65: 127-146.
- Jungeblut CW. Further observations on vitamin C therapy in experimental poliomyelitis. J Exper Med, 1937. 66: 459-477.
- Jungeblut CW, Feiner RR. Vitamin C content of monkey tissues in experimental poliomyelitis. J Exper Med, 1937. 66: 479-491.
- Jungeblut CW. A further contribution to vitamin C therapy in experimental poliomyelitis. J Exper Med, 1939. 70: 315-332.

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service

Make Your Own Natural Fluoride-Free Toothpaste

Tuesday, July 06, 2010 by: Kim Evans, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) If you're sick of fluoride based toothpaste, who can blame you? Fluoride is widely touted to protect our teeth, but it's actually a poisonous chemical that causes cancer, damages our nervous system, and even creates weak teeth and bones. Fluoride is common in rat poison and the Nazis used to put it in the prisoners' water - because it's known to placate people and make them easier to control. Knowing this - if you haven't already done so - it's probably time to dump your fluoride toothpaste. There are certainly many brands of fluoride-free toothpaste available at your local health food store or almost as easy, and likely better for you, you can just make your own.

If you're going to make your own toothpaste, coconut oil is the perfect place to start. Coconut oil is a key ingredient in homemade toothpastes because it's a powerful, natural antibacterial and antifungal - so it works to kill harmful bacteria in your mouth while you brush. Coconut oil is excellent for your gums and brushing with it regularly can eliminate bleeding, sore gums. The oil kills the bacteria that are responsible for gingivitis - and if you have gingivitis, you might want to massage some coconut oil into your gums regularly, in addition to using it in your toothpaste. Brushing your tongue with the oil helps with thrush, a fungal problem localized in the mouth, and to boot, coconut oil has been found to stop and even reverse some tooth decay.

Another key ingredient in homemade toothpastes is baking soda. Baking soda is used for two reasons. First, it's a mild abrasive that provides a gentle cleansing. Second, it's alkaline. Being alkaline, baking soda can neutralize acids in your mouth that are often at the root of tooth decay. Baking soda also absorbs odors and helps produce sweet breath.

To make your own toothpaste, just use a fifty/fifty ratio of coconut oil to baking soda. Start with a small batch and use a few tablespoons of each. If you like, add a few drops of an essential oil, like peppermint or spearmint, for flavor and a bit of stevia for sugar-free sweetness. After mixing your toothpaste, keep it in a glass container with a lid. Then, just spoon some out for use or just dip your dry toothbrush into it. The mixture doesn't need to be refrigerated and because coconut oil is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal, it'll help keep your toothbrush clean and sanitary too.

Coconut oil is liquid above 76 degrees and solid below, so the mixture can change consistency with the weather. You'll also want to rinse with warm water to prevent the oil from hardening in your sink or drain.
